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We are Pleased to Announce our Carbon Offsetting Project

May 11, 2020

As part of our ongoing commitment to achieve the net zero goal outlined by the British Government, Utility Trade Group have launched a new Carbon Offsetting Project.

For every Solar PV installation that we complete, we will plant a tree.

We believe that this is a fantastic initiative and will help greatly in the offsetting of our carbon footprint. Carbon offsetting plays the role of balancing out the emissions that have already been caused and we’re proud to be doing our part to make a positive change.

Through our involvement in this project, we can complement existing Corporate and Social Responsibility (CSR) programmes, whilst providing much needed climate change leadership. Many carbon offsetting projects bring additional advantages to local communities, and we hope that our involvement will make a difference.

This project will help us to decarbonise electricity grids and improve energy efficiency, which in turn reduces deforestation. As a result, we expect to balance out our unavoidable emissions and become carbon neutral in our activity.

As a renewable energy provider who is committed to the prevention of climate change, we believe that our help to reduce global CO2 emissions is a key cog in the overall desire and drive for change. The outbreak of Covid-19 has seen a positive change on emissions across the globe, and we hope that this drives forward a long-term commitment and aspiration for a sustained change in the way that we approach the issues at hand.

A survey we conducted implies that the majority of people have changed their views on the issue, and are now more receptive to driving change:

As energy consultants who work with an array of businesses and organisations across the country, including local authorities, our aim is to help them to reduce their carbon footprint. By becoming involved in this project, Utility Trade Group are putting long term practices into place to ensure that we’re matching the work we’re doing for our clients.

If we can help you with any aspects of the provision of your renewable energy resources, then please get in touch today.

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